A Personal Adventure

Pavan's Website

Welcome to my website! I am here to display my personal endeavors, from technical projects, to writings, to drawings.

If you are at all interested, come and check out what I have been up to.



Here is my Github. Put most of my projects onto here.


Here is my Substack. I put out the articles I write on both substack and on this website. Just want to share my thoughts. Particular interest in the intersection between theology, philosophy, and science. Understanding the difference between the sacred and profane, and why we need a sacred foundation, if that is how we can call it, which does not even capture everything.

Explore Projects

Some technical projects and reports I have done. Interested in Control Systems and Reinforcement Learning as of right now. Getting started with FPGAs.

Read Articles

Some thoughts I wanted to put out. Can find these articles also on my Substack.


Might post some random content here. Some book, movie, and art recommendations maybe. Or maybe something else. Not sure yet.

View Drawings

Some drawings I have made. Making an effort to capture more.